Baking powder, Baking soda and Cream of tartar: Differences and uses


Baking powder-  was discovered and manufactured by Alfred Bird, British chemist and founder of Bird and Sons Ltd. His Improved version of baking was created so he could make yeast-free bread for his wife.Elizabeth, who has allergies also in eggs. (source To test baking powder, put 3Tbsp warm water into small bowl add ½ teaspoon baking powder and stir. If moderate fizz occurs its fresh. It only needs a liquid to active compare to baking soda. Basically Baking powder composed of cornstarch, cream of tartar and baking soda, so in baking it is a complete leavening agent.

                Single acting baking powder- produces all of its bubbles when gets wet.
                Double Acting Baking Powder- produces bubbles again when gets hot.

Baking Soda- discovered by ancient Egyptians as soap like cleaning agent and also to make Mummies. And Develop by Alfred Bird to make it to baking Powder. To test baking soda,  put 3Tbsp vinegar in bowl add ½ teaspoon baking soda and stir. It will form bubbles in rapid action if fresh. Baking Soda requires an acid to activate. You will just use Baking soda in recipe if contains acid like lemon, buttermilk, cocoa. The difference also of baking soda is, it has immediate reaction in mixture compare to baking soda.

Cream of TarTar- known also as Potassium Bicarbonate, acidic compound that grapes produce as they ferment, residue left in barrel

Uses of Cream of TarTar
                - To stabilize egg whites - adding small amount of cream of tartar helps speed up formation of bubbles.
               -  As Leavening agent- combining baking soda with cream of tartar can form into baking powder
               -  To stabilized whipped Cream- giving structural support to the air bubbles and produce thicker and even mixture.
                To Prevent Sugar from crystallizing-  give a texture of chewy and soft to the end product


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